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Convert Binary Numbers and IP Addresses


The best way to understood how to convert binary numbers is to take a look at an example.

For example convert decibel 172 to binary
step 1, write the binary chart
128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1

Then we keep asking the questions,
Can we subtract 128 from the 172?
If yes, put 1 under 128, if no, put 0. Here we put 1.
The reminder is now 172-128=44.
We keep asking.
Can we subtract 64 rom 44? no, put 0 under 64.
Can we subtract 32 from 44? yes, put 1 under 32.
The reminder is now 44-32=12.
Can we subtract 16 from 12? no, put 0 under 16.
Can we subtract 8 fom 12? yes, put 1 under 8.
The reminder is now 12-8=4.
Can we subtract 4 from 4? yes, put 1 under 4.
The reminder is now 4-4=0.
Can we subtract 2 from 0? no, put 0 under 2.
Can we subtract 1 from 0? no, put 0 under 1.

Finally, we get 10101100

                  128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1
172              1     0  1   0 1 1 0 0      



ICND1 and ICND2 break down

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