Hack activity

After I posted "flash's bounty unlimited mode land 12 Capture Castle battle" game play on youtube, the next day, weird things happen.

When I play that video game at http://www.addictinggames.com/ as usual, it starts to ask me to update flash. Since the popup looks weird, I denied. It later sends me to do "December Verizon survey" which I also denied.
At some point it ask me to check out something, which gives me nothing but an OK option. I regret I didn't close the browser with force quit ((Alt + control + delete for windows, command + option + esc for mac, kill -9 pid for linux)). That site is a rogue site, it ask me to do things like fill a survey, but didn't give No option or close window option. I bet one of those redirections can potentially be a staging site of the hacker.

My blogger recorded a visit from %28null%29 yesterday, which is weird. http://www.addictinggames.com/ allows comments and reviews without pre-proof, I can argue that something like xxs attack could have happened there. It won't be safe to have the flash's bounty and other password protected site open in the same browser.

Hackers are like weeds of the internet, I don't want to judge them, but they just waste the energy should have been used to do better things -- like create a perfect video game etc.

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