How to install a client/server pair on windows


Client program: putty.exe

putty.exe is a stand-alone program, it don't need to be installed, you download the exe and double-click to run it.

Server program: cygwin with openssh and openssl package.

Install cygwin

  1. Download cygwin's setup.exe
  2. run the setup.exe, choose package openssl and openssh at NET category.

Configure ssh service

run the Cygwin Terminal as Administrator

  1. ssh-host-config to config ssh service, follow the wizard.
  2. net start sshd to start the sshd
  3. after that netstat -a | grep 22 should show the sshd is listen on port 22
  4. you should be able to login localhost using putty.exe with the account you used to install Cygwin.

Undo configure ssh service

# Remove sshd service
cygrunsrv --stop sshd
cygrunsrv --remove sshd

# Delete any sshd or related users (such as cyg_server) from /etc/passwd
#   (use your favorite editor)

# Delete any sshd or related users (such as cyg_server) from the system
net user sshd /delete
net user cyg_server /delete

Uninstall cygwin

  • remove any short cuts on desktop, start menu, etc.
  • remove directory C:\cygwin

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