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CCNA Lab Video Tutorial 2 - Packet Tracer Interface overview

ICND1 and ICND2 break down

In my previous post, I have introduced the packet tracer and how to download packet tracer from cisco website.
In the next posts, I will introduce how to use packet tracer with a series of video tutorials.
This video tutorial is a step by step demonstration of how to create a virtue lab with packet tracer 5.0. After watching the video, you will be able to select network devices, put them into the logical workspace and connect them with proper cables. You will also learn how to put different modules into the router's slots and inspect the command line interface.

The best way of learning a software is to play with it. The packet tracer have an intuitive user-interface and flash-movie tutorial to walk you through the main features.

To strenghen the materials we have just learned, here are more hello-world style virtue lab setup.

Exercise 1: Connect 2 PCs with hub

Exercise 2: Connect 2 Switches with Router

Exercise 2-1: Connect 2 Switches with Router (CLI)

Exercise 3: DHCP setup

CCNA Lab Video Tutorial


  1. how to use cisco switching in vlan pertical

  2. share configuration of ospf in packet tracer..
    IT Dienstleistung Ulm
